Visit Belo sur Mer


Belo sur Mer is a part of the western Madagascar tourist circuit, an itinerary starting from Antananarivo to Miandrivazo and passing through Tsiribihina and Bekopaka where you can experience the dramatic sight of the Tsingy a few minutes from the peaceful Soleil des Tsingy hotel.

A picturesque seaside village

Land of dhow-builders, Belo sur Mer is located in the region of Menabe in the soutwestern Madagascar. Nestled in the heart of a protected bay, Belo sur Mer hosts a population that still lives from traditional fishing. The most beautiful traditional fishing boasts come from this charming county of the region. Here, the dhows and the gulets in construction strung out along the sandy beaches lined with coconut palms. Small houses made of falafa – dried ravinala leaves – and permanent houses as the City Hall or the pretty church built on the waterfront stand side by side.

Belo sur Mer, the Madagascar’s salt granary

Besides fishing and the sailing canoes yards, Belo sur Mer is also known for its salt mines that stretch out of sight. Littered with mounds of salt, Antsira salinas is the most iconic tourist site of this region. In this Vezo village, salt process and production pass from generation to generation, a truly remarkable spectacle. Under a blazing sun, people work together on removing sand and clay on the salt.


Belo sur Mer, a paradise for nautical activities lovers

Belo sur Mer’s nature is particularly generous. The city coast offer beautiful reefs to admire when practicing scuba diving. Waves dashing on the village’s beaches are great for surfing and for numerous water sports.

If you plan to visit Belo sur Mer during your western Madagascar journey, please ask for more information at your travel agency.



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2013-11-21 06:56:08, Girod Virginie said:

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