All the way through the Tsingy, the river Manambolo runs alongside the park of Bemaraha. Canyons, banks and sand banks mark out the route of the circuit in dugout canoe.

A unique adventure across the Tsingy

The river Manambolo flows into the Indian Ocean, making its way through isolated cliffs and abrupt banks up to 80 meters high. Taking his spring at Tsiroanomandidy, on the West of Antananarivo, this stream runs along the village of Bekopaka and the national park of Bemaraha. The traditional dugout canoes transport the passengers wishing to be acquainted with wild nature. The excursion that lasts one hour and thirty minutes begins near the entrance of the Little Tsingy Park, which is just a few minutes from the hotel Soleil des Tsingy, takes the visitors to the « cave of the Swallows » and the « cave of the Glottis ». The descent of Manambolo comes out among the small circuits proposed before the jump in the Big Tsingy of

An amazing stroll in dugout canoe

The canoe will carry out you on the way to the caves where the river stretches to a width of 100 meters, running along the limestone formations covered with dry and wet vegetation. During this excursion in these natural rock shelters, the visitors will come across a great number of stalactites and of stalagmites. The « cave of the Swallows » shelters the immense root of a centenary tree whose trunk is located 30 meters above. As the legend goes, Vazimba ancestors have occupied the «cave of the Glottis».


Fifteen sorts of lemurs live in the Antsingy forest in the park of Bemaraha. Diurnal Sifaka and night-Tilitilivahy are the main varieties.

Unusual sorts of Lemurs

The lemurs that live in the national park of Bemaraha, near the hotel Soleil des Tsingy, adapt themselves to the seasonal fluctuations and to the scorching temperature characterizing the area. From the smallest to the biggest, every species of lemur present a particular color and face. Among the most unusual, the Cheirogalus midius – called Kelilbohoho in Malagasy – amaze by its extraordinary size. The night-Microcebus murinus is one of the smallest lemur listed in the park. The Cheirogalus midius is often compared with a small mouse.

Local endemic lemurs

Avahi cleesei – belonging to the family of Indriidae – is an endemic lemur of the site. Full species since 2005, this primate holds its scientific name of that of the actor John Cleese, a big nature lover. This man made lemurs known about the whole world by dedicating them an unpublished document in 1998. Named Dadintsifaka – grandparent of the Sifaka – by the people living in the area, Avahi cleesei is smaller than the Sifaka. With big bright eyes, it also raises a grey-chestnut color.lumineux.

Regional endemic lemurs

Hapalemur occidentalis or Bekola – belonging to the family of Lemuridae – appears under three different colors. Endemic of the west and northwest region, until Sambirano, this lemur has a brown coat with a grey line on the neck,. Also known as, “lemur bamboo”, the Hapalemur occidentalis does not exceed 66 centimeters long for a weight lower than 1 kilo. He lives in colony in the rainforest following the river Tsiribihina and in the gorges of Manambolo. Some species still live in the northwest of Madagascar, particularly in the forest of the peninsula of Ampasindava and in the forest of the peninsula of Ampasindava and Analamerana.


The Tsiribihina River descent is a key stage of circuits scheduled in the west part of Madagascar. The stroll reveals luxuriant and desert landscapes.

Strolling the Tsiribihina River for a timeless adventure

Winding the west part of Madagascar on more than 150 kilometers, Tsiribihina is accessible from the river Mahajilo, a stream running along the border of Miandrivazo. Working quietly its way, it crosses green plains, luxuriant jungles and vast still protected desert areas. Distilling a feeling of plenitude and freedom, the river takes us back several decades behind, for an odyssey rich in adventure. By places, tropical vegetation stuffed with lemurs, tortoises and chameleons goes along the river. From time to time, the backbone of a crocodile can appear on the banks. Playground of the travellers in search of discovery and calm, Tsiribihina – the river where no one may bathe – is a place full of spirituality. Every ten years, during the sacred ceremony of the Fitampoha, the purple waters of Tsiribihina welcome the relics of the sovereigns that reigned over the territory.

A journey of discovery

The descent of Tsiribihina takes 3 days / 2 nights aboard a local dugout canoe. A stop over in the traditional villages gives you the opportunity to appreciate the smile and the kindness of the Malagasy people. Scrolling slowly, the forests of baobabs make a magnificent picture. Making a way between sandbanks, granite cliffs and steep relief of the gorges of Tsiribihina, the river continues its descent towards Belo on Tsiribihina where the cruise ends. The journey continues generally in direction of Bekopaka for the discovery of the Tsingy of Bemahara. Situated on the border of the Bemaraha Park, the Hotel Soleil des Tsingy that conjugates comfort and conviviality is a place of choice to rest.

For more information on the Tsiribihina descent, ask your travel agent.


Located in the district of Morondava, 9 kilometres from the village of Mangily, the Baobab Amoureux keeps feeding the legend through decades.

Baobab, protected specie

The Baobab tree stands out for its amazing longevity. It can reach up to 30 meters high especially for the Andasonia Grandidieri variety. Indeed, some species can live beyond 800 or 1000 years. The Baobab Amoureux belongs to the Andansonia Fony variety that gathers the smallest baobab specimens. Although the baobab is one of the artisans favourite raw materials, due to its rugged bark, it is now a protected specie and should no longer be used in the manufacture of numerous handicrafts.

 Between Myth and Reality

In the southwest of Madagascar, in Morondava, the Baobab Amoureux captivates travellers with its slender branches and rare foliage pointing to the sky. This bottle-shaped tree belonging to the Andansonia Fony variety mesmerizes all tourists attending this natural spectacle of two intertwined trees as two inseparables lovers. According to some legends, this jewel of nature would bring luck to lovers strolling around the tree. Legend has it that lovers who have their first date down the satin-trunk colossus could not break up unless they return to the site.

Baobab Amoureux, a romantic break

For couple of lovers, going to the site of the Baobab Amoureux is an opportunity to build a very new love story or to renew wishes. Some tourists even carve some letters on the shiny walls of the colossus in memory of their stay. Visit of love baobab is often included in most tours in southwestern Madagascar. The site is located about 70 kilometres from the Bemaraha’s Tsingy, before the famous Avenue of the Baobab, and is close to the Soleil des Tsingy hotel.

For more information, please contact your travel agency.

A preserved Sanctuary

Nestled in the heart of the fascinating region of Menabe, Kirindy National Park is located at about two hours by road from Morondava. Since 2000, the Association Nationale pour la Gestion des Aires Protégées (ANGAP) is in charge of this Sakalava tribe’s treasure. Resembling in one hand the tropical vegetation of the West and the southern dry vegetation in another one, Kirindy’s endemic fauna and flora are captivating. At the time being, the site shelters lemurs, crocodiles, tortoises, snakes and lizards. Lucky people who experience a night hiking on the area often have the chance to catch a glimpse of the nocturnal lemurs’ silhouette through foliage. Vositse – the largest rodent in Madagascar – and the Fosa are among the main tourist attractions in this Park.

Tours for every taste

From the Soleil des Tsingy hotel, Kirindy National Park is located about six hours by road. Hosting travelers throughout the year, the park, a refreshing break close to Morondava and nestled at the edge of the Mozambique Channel, covers 72 000 hectares. Travel agencies offer numerous tours for hikers that include walking through the main attractions of the park. In addition, Kirindy National Park authority holds awareness sessions in order to encourage people to protect the environment.

If you plan a break at the Kirindy National Park during your next holiday, please ask your travel for more information.