Day and night, a guided tour of the southern Madagascar gives travelers an opportunity to walk along the Baobab Avenue, a unique spectacle of nature.

A beautiful nature reserve


In the region of Menabe, about 20 km from Morondava is located the Madagascar’s famous Baobab Avenue, a group of baobab trees lining the road between Belon’i Tsiribihina and Morondava. Included in most of guided tours of the southern Madagascar, this natural treasure of a rare beauty is 7 km away from the junction leading to Belon’i Tsiribihina. At dawn and at sunset, tourists like walking on the site to enjoy this dramatic scenery of these bottle-shaped trees bordering the road. With the skyline as a backdrop, the curve of each baobab draws stealthily on amber heaven. Located in Bekopaka, the Soleil des Tsingy hotel is an excellent starting point to visit Morondava where you can experience this unique natural show after a drive of about eight hours.

A highly protected area

The baobab is one the few tree species spared by deforestation in Madagascar. Not suitable for house building, this several centuries old tree need a higher protection against bush-fire and slash and burn. The Conservation International and the Fanamby NGO work together to protect the Alley of the Baobabs, this magnificent sanctuary nestled in the heart of rice fields and the Menabe’s savannah. Specimens that stand along this famous avenue belong to the Adansonia Grandidieri family, a variety of baobabs endemic to Madagascar.



Morondava, the largest city of the region of Menabe, hosts some of the southern Madagascar must-see tourist attractions

A charming fishing port

Located on the malagasy coast, Morondava has a fishing and tourism-based economy. At dawn, traditional canoes invade its beaches that give access to the Mozambique Channel. At sunset, anglers returning to the shores aboard their boats give tourists a breathtaking sight.

An unforgottable getaway in the heart of nature

Many excursions in the deep south of Madagascar start at Menabe, one of the island’s full of must-see tourist attractions regions. About less than half, an hour by car from the center of Morondava is located the iconic site of this region, the Baobab Avenue. This alley of centuries-old trees-bottles fascinates nature and wild spaces lovers. The natural curiosity photos appear in all tourism booklets about Madagascar. In addition, the site is accessible from the road between the Soleil des Tsingy hotel and Morondava. Off the region’s coast, travellers can enjoy a refreshing walk in the Nosy Kely peninsula that features lush vegetation of mangroves.

A well-served tourist region

Morondava is a beautiful seaside resort located 640 kilometers from Antananarivo. It is accessible by the asphalt road RN35. There is also an air route between the city and Madagascar’s capital. Regular flights connect the Menabe region’s capital and Antananarivo.

If you plan to visit Morondava for your next holidays in the western Madagascar, please check information at your travel agency.




Belo sur Mer is a part of the western Madagascar tourist circuit, an itinerary starting from Antananarivo to Miandrivazo and passing through Tsiribihina and Bekopaka where you can experience the dramatic sight of the Tsingy a few minutes from the peaceful Soleil des Tsingy hotel.

A picturesque seaside village

Land of dhow-builders, Belo sur Mer is located in the region of Menabe in the soutwestern Madagascar. Nestled in the heart of a protected bay, Belo sur Mer hosts a population that still lives from traditional fishing. The most beautiful traditional fishing boasts come from this charming county of the region. Here, the dhows and the gulets in construction strung out along the sandy beaches lined with coconut palms. Small houses made of falafa – dried ravinala leaves – and permanent houses as the City Hall or the pretty church built on the waterfront stand side by side.

Belo sur Mer, the Madagascar’s salt granary

Besides fishing and the sailing canoes yards, Belo sur Mer is also known for its salt mines that stretch out of sight. Littered with mounds of salt, Antsira salinas is the most iconic tourist site of this region. In this Vezo village, salt process and production pass from generation to generation, a truly remarkable spectacle. Under a blazing sun, people work together on removing sand and clay on the salt.


Belo sur Mer, a paradise for nautical activities lovers

Belo sur Mer’s nature is particularly generous. The city coast offer beautiful reefs to admire when practicing scuba diving. Waves dashing on the village’s beaches are great for surfing and for numerous water sports.

If you plan to visit Belo sur Mer during your western Madagascar journey, please ask for more information at your travel agency.



After an excursion in the Bemaraha Park, adults and children will appreciate a moment of relaxation in the swimming pool of Bemaraha Hotel. Naturally warmed, the pool of the hotel offers you water between 28 and 32 ° according to the season. Giving you a fantastic view of the landscape in the sunset, this relaxation place has a surface of 6 x 15 meter.

Near the swimming pool, a vast solarium allows you to enjoy a total relaxation. Beside of that, Garden chairs, tables and parasols await you on the vast terrace of 500 m ².

Within its complex, the lodge Soleil des Tsingy allows you to admire an amazing landscape and make interesting discoveries. The guided stroll in the private park of more than 20 hectares lets you discover a tropical vegetation typical of the area of Bekopaka and a wide variety of local animal species.

Along the excursion inside the private park, you can admire more than 5000 varieties of plants and tropical trees. The marked out track borrows among others the bed of a river dried up during the winter.