A playing area has been set in the Hotel Soleil des Tsingy. The young customers are given preferential treatment to when they arrive in the complex. Thanks to a large playground located in the middle of the garden and close to the swimming pool and the restaurant, they can play all their soul.

Toboggan, swing and other wooden tours will divert the toddlers during their family vacation in the hotel of Bemaraha.

For your stay at the Soleil de Tsingy Hotel, you will find a wide variety of activities to do during your free time: shooting pool at the poolroom, playing various board games or keeping up-to-date with the latest international news at the TV lounge. The hotel also has a permanent wifi internet connection that allows you to stay connected with your family and friends on the other side of the world.

If you plan to visit the Tsingy of Bemaraha, you can check for information at the Soleil des Tsingy reception desk. The hotel staff is available for any complementary information or help during your stay. In collaboration with the ANGAP – Association Nationale pour la Gestion des Aires Protégées –, Soleil des Tsingy hotel offers tourist tours several options ranging from shorter paths to day hikes. To avoid queuing up at the ANGAP local office, Soleil des Tsingy Hotel purchases entry tickets to the park for you.

If you wish to take home some souvenirs of your holidays in Bekopaka, you can find at the Soleil des Tsingy hotel’s shop numerous typical western Madagascar handicrafts made by local artisans. You can also find at the shop staple you may need during your stay at the Soleil des Tsingy hotel made available for all the hotel’s guests to meet their needs.

LE SOLEIL DES TSINGY Lodge vous propose des bungalows de plus de 55 m², dans lesquels peut être ajouté un lit supplémentaire. Entièrement construits avec des matériaux originaux sélectionnés, ces bungalows bénéficient d’une régulation thermique naturelle. L’orientation plein ouest leur confère une vue imprenable sur la nature environnante. L’agencement de la chambre équipée d’un lit King Size allie à la fois des éléments de ferronnerie travaillé avec avec des pièces de bois nobles sur un sol d’ardoise d’Inde. Ambiance unique pour un repos maximal.
Vous aimerez également la salle d’eau de 18 m² avec un espace de douche dont la baie vitrée permet d’admirer le paysage sans vis-à-vis.
Enfin, vous prolongerez votre repos sur la terrasse privative de votre bungalow.