Excursion in the Big Tsingy

Bloc of rocks and limestone needles form the spectacular cathedral of minerals karst of Tsingy of Bemaraha. Excursions into the Big Tsingy lead to the discovery of a fabulous diaclase’s network located in the tropical forest.

Tsingy’s genesis

The massive limestones of Tsingy of Bemaraha are the living witnesses of 200 million years of history. Crystalline granite soil formed the site millions years ago. Then, the phenomena of marine transgressions amassed residues of corals madrepores in the area. Mixed with calcareous sediments, remains of animals and plants, the fossilized corals created a conglomerate of karst rock. Formed by rainwater and erosion 5 million years ago, the Tsingy offers now a landscape of rocks and sharp blades. According to some legends, this forest of prickly rocks came up out of ground as Vazimba – Malagasy ancestors – that lived on the site invoked the gods to give them shelter in an inaccessible world. Tsingy occupies about 72,400 hectares of National Park of Bemaraha.

Big Tsingy, an amazing trip in the South of Madagascar

From the hotel Tsingy of Bemahara to Bekopaka, it takes an hour to drive off-road track. “The Big Tsingy” excursion starts on the heights of limestone spurs through suspended walkways and rock shoes perched about sixty feet from the ground. From there, different walks will let you sink into the heart of the dry forest of Antsingy. You will then enjoy paths through beautiful canyons and narrow caves. The excursions offer an uninterrupted panorama of the entire karst cord. The northern tip of the park is full of labyrinths of underground tunnels. You may explore this area aboard traditional canoes. It is original and exciting. It is best to leave early in the morning in order to avoid the radiant heat if you plan to be back at the hotel’s sun Tsingy at around 13hours, for a nice gourmet meal in the restaurant.



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2013-11-21 06:56:08, Girod Virginie said:

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