Kirindy Park tour

A preserved Sanctuary

Nestled in the heart of the fascinating region of Menabe, Kirindy National Park is located at about two hours by road from Morondava. Since 2000, the Association Nationale pour la Gestion des Aires Protégées (ANGAP) is in charge of this Sakalava tribe’s treasure. Resembling in one hand the tropical vegetation of the West and the southern dry vegetation in another one, Kirindy’s endemic fauna and flora are captivating. At the time being, the site shelters lemurs, crocodiles, tortoises, snakes and lizards. Lucky people who experience a night hiking on the area often have the chance to catch a glimpse of the nocturnal lemurs’ silhouette through foliage. Vositse – the largest rodent in Madagascar – and the Fosa are among the main tourist attractions in this Park.

Tours for every taste

From the Soleil des Tsingy hotel, Kirindy National Park is located about six hours by road. Hosting travelers throughout the year, the park, a refreshing break close to Morondava and nestled at the edge of the Mozambique Channel, covers 72 000 hectares. Travel agencies offer numerous tours for hikers that include walking through the main attractions of the park. In addition, Kirindy National Park authority holds awareness sessions in order to encourage people to protect the environment.

If you plan a break at the Kirindy National Park during your next holiday, please ask your travel for more information.

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2013-11-21 06:56:08, Girod Virginie said:

Hello, Un hôtel lové au coeur d’une végétation luxuriante. Nous avons passé des vacances inoubliables dans cet hôtel Le Soleil des Tsingy où tout a...

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