Other services

The laundry

At the hotel Soleil des Tsingy, everything is planned in details. If needed, a laundry can take care of your dirty clothes. You just have to put them in the laundry and the staff takes care of everything. The ironing is also included in the service.

Electricity and running water

Even Bekopaka is far from any urban infrastructure, and even the electricity and the running water are not yet fitted out in the hotel, we use other ingenious systems. Solar panels provide with electricity and five wells supply water to the hotel.

A security team keep the hotel day and night.

Accommodation for your driver

Generally the clients arrive in the hotel with their driver or with a guide. Special housing was fitted out for them.

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2013-11-21 06:56:08, Girod Virginie said:

Hello, Un hôtel lové au coeur d’une végétation luxuriante. Nous avons passé des vacances inoubliables dans cet hôtel Le Soleil des Tsingy où tout a...

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